
This report was build with JSLint, the JavaScript Verifier. JSLint is a JavaScript program that looks for problems in other JavaScript programs.

Here is the list of files in this report:


No problems found


Lint at line 45 character 2: Unnecessary semicolon.


Lint at line 64 character 47: Use '!==' to compare with 'null'.
Sarissa._SARISSA_IS_IE = document.documentMode!=null;

Lint at line 165 character 16: 'e' is already defined.

Lint at line 192 character 94: Use '!==' to compare with '0'.
if(oDoc && oDoc.parseError && oDoc.parseError.errorCode && oDoc.parseError.errorCode != 0){

Lint at line 247 character 114: Use '!==' to compare with 'null'.
if(xslDoc.url && xslDoc.selectSingleNode("//xsl:*[local-name() = 'import' or local-name() = 'include']") != null){

Lint at line 385 character 25: Use '!==' to compare with ''.

Lint at line 383 character 9: The body of a for in should be wrapped in an if statement to filter unwanted properties from the prototype.
for(var nsURI in this.paramsSet){

Lint at line 423 character 41: Use '!==' to compare with 'null'.
if (oDoc.onreadystatechange != null && typeof oDoc.onreadystatechange == "function") {

Lint at line 461 character 4: Missing semicolon.

Lint at line 589 character 64: Use '!==' to compare with '0'.
} else if(oDoc.parseError && oDoc.parseError.errorCode != 0){

Lint at line 605 character 63: Use '===' to compare with '0'.
if (oNode.nodeType == Node.ATTRIBUTE_NODE && nodes.length == 0) {

Lint at line 636 character 75: Missing semicolon.
XMLSerializer = function(){ this._oldSerializer=new IE9XMLSerializer() };

Lint at line 761 character 9: The body of a for in should be wrapped in an if statement to filter unwanted properties from the prototype.
for(var name in anyObject){

Lint at line 794 character 78: Use '!==' to compare with 'undefined'.
if(oTargetElement && oTargetElement.style && oTargetElement.style.cursor != undefined ){

Lint at line 876 character 65: Use '!==' to compare with '0'.
if(ownerDoc.parseError && ownerDoc.parseError.errorCode != 0) {

Lint at line 901 character 11: 'e' is already defined.
catch(e) {

Lint at line 1053 character 26: Use '===' to compare with '0'.
if(!name || name.length == 0 || name == " "){


Lint at line 198 character 19: Expected '{' and instead saw 'return'.
if(strA < strB) return -1;

Lint at line 199 character 24: Expected '{' and instead saw 'return'.
else if(strA > strB) return 1;

Lint at line 200 character 8: Expected '{' and instead saw 'return'.
else return 0;

Lint at line 214 character 18: Expected '{' and instead saw 'return'.
if(datA < datB)	return -1;

Lint at line 215 character 23: Expected '{' and instead saw 'return'.
else if(datA > datB) return 1;

Lint at line 216 character 10: Expected '{' and instead saw 'return'.
else return 0;

Lint at line 233 character 18: Expected '{' and instead saw 'return'.
if(datA < datB) return -1;

Lint at line 234 character 23: Expected '{' and instead saw 'return'.
else if(datA > datB) return 1;

Lint at line 235 character 10: Expected '{' and instead saw 'return'.
else return 0;

Lint at line 257 character 16: Missing semicolon.
sRowName = "tr"

Lint at line 260 character 17: Missing semicolon.
sCellName = "td"

Lint at line 263 character 20: Missing semicolon.
sHeadingName = "th"

Lint at line 270 character 71: Use '===' to compare with '0'.
if((!sHeadingName) || row.getElementsByTagName(sHeadingName).length == 0){

Lint at line 298 character 16: Missing semicolon.
sRowName = "tr"

Lint at line 301 character 17: Missing semicolon.
sCellName = "td"

Lint at line 307 character 71: Use '===' to compare with '0'.
if((!sHeadingName) || row.getElementsByTagName(sHeadingName).length == 0){